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----"About IKM Group" ---- ........LIM ZHEN HWEE..... ........SEE KENG KIAT..... ........THAI RUI QI..... .....GOH WENG LOON.....

Lecturer 10 Knowledge Management Systems

After knowledge management class, this first question is what is knowledge management system ?knowledge management system is has a relationships between elements, it contain a boundary together with and input and output.

                                                        SYSTEM CHARACTERISTICS

Knowledge Management System (KMS)

¢KMS facilitate: knowledge interactions,  distribution, retrieval and retention

¢Influence users’ acceptance of the knowledge management philosophy

                                                           The structure of knowledge systems

Knowledge System Technologie
A range of supporting technologies in four areas of activity:

                                              —Business process management

                                                           —Content management:

                                                      Web content management:

                                                 —Knowledge applications management:


-Circles indicate places or states within process
-Rectangles indicate activities between states
-Arrows indicate direction of workflow

  •        DSS APPLICATIONS-                                Supply chain management to determine implications for purchasing and distribution depending on customer analysis and segmentation

  •      GROUP DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS-Interactive system to facilitate solution of unstructured problems working in a group

  •      EXECUTIVE SUPPORT SYSTEMS-           Help senior managers with unstructured problems

  •      PERFORMANCE SUPPORT SYSTEMS-   Assist groups or individuals to perform certain tasks

  •      WORKFLOW MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS-Allows documents and other forms of knowledge to be routed among individuals and applications according to predefined processes

KMS Development Stages:

1.Justify the need for a system
2.Identify the system requirements
3.Clarify the system specifications
4.Evaluate potential systems
5.Select the best option / components
6.Implement the system
7.Evaluate the system adoption and acceptance

Regards as thai rui qi 

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Lecturer 8,9 The Learning Organization& knowledge management tools

In today class, we had cover 2 chapter ,witch is Lecturer 8,9 The Learning Organization& knowledge management tools. The first question of today is what is k workers? k workers is the person using their own knowledge and apply to the situation.

Lecturer 8 The Learning Organization
in our life, we learn new things in everyday, everyone learn new thing in different matter ,so what is your INDIVIDUAL learning style ?

Learning in a Knowledge Environment
Training: learning processes guided by an expert

Learning: changes in skills, knowledge and abilities which influence how people think and operate in the future

Development: ongoing process of growth and change which occurs as new influences are encountered

Competencies: areas of knowledge and skills which contribute to job-related behaviours
Capabilities: the range of skills and competencies which enable the individual to meet the challenges associated with performing complex work roles

Learning Approaches
-Organisational Knowledge

organisation knoledge

Lecturer 9 knowledge management tools

                                             DIFFERENT FORMS OF KNOWLEDGE
•Knowledge comes in a variety of forms – need to organise this knowledge

•Ontology and taxonomy often used interchangeably
•Ontology – an overall conceptualisation
•Taxonomy – a scientifically based scheme of classification

Regards as thai rui qi 

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Lecturer 7 Knowledge Management Organizational Culture

In today lecturer class, we study the knowledge management in organizational culture, in the organizational culture, everyone try to shared assumptions,beliefs, and values between each others. This is a good example miss show us at the class room to show the different culture in the one company.

There are 4 types of cultures which are:
#Communal Culture (High, High)
#Networked Culture (Low, High)
#Mercenary Culture (High, Low)
#Fragmented Culture (Low, Low)

Sociability - measure for friendliness - high sociability - people orientation, team orientation and process focus
Solidarity - measure for task orientation - high solidarity - people work well together toward common goals despite personal conflicts

-Communal Culture (Hsoc, Hsol)
—Task Driven
—Leaders are inspirational and charismatic
—Leaders may exhibit too much influence, members may not be vocal
-Networked Culture (Hsoc, Lsol)
—Members are treated as friends and family
—Wiling to help and share information
—People may be reluctant to criticize poor performance
-Mercenary Culture (Lsoc, Hsol)
—Focus on strict goals
—Little room for political cliques
—Poor performance not tolerated
-Fragmented Culture (Lsoc, Lsol)
—Sense of belonging and identification with organization is weak
—Commitment is to individual members
—Potential lack of cooperation

knowledge culture enablers conduct 4 factors which are:
- Core values

- Structural support

- Enacted values

- Interaction with colleagues

Additional, to perform a effective knowledge cultures, these are several type :

regards as thai rui qi 

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Lecturer 6 Knowledge Acquisition & Application

In today lecturer, we learn about the Knowledge Acquisition (reuse) and Knowledge Application. Based on understanding we can know that knowledge acquisition is the 

Knowledge Application: Individual Level

Only creation amount knowledge require for the new or unfamiliar job, workers have to reuse their own knowledge in every job. Knowledge Application is apply the knowledge of the knowledge acquisition, for example:
    • Personalization and Profiling
    • Cognitive Styles and Myer-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
    • Bloom Taxonomy of Learning Objectives

                                Meyers Briggs Personality 16 Type Indicator

Four Dimensions of Personality Type 
    • Interest: How we interact with the world and where we direct our energy (Extraversion-Introversion)
    • Perception: The kind of information we naturally notice (sensing-intuition)
    • Judgment: How we make decisions (thinking-feeling) 
    • Environment: Whether we prefer to live in a more structured way or a more spontaneous way (judgment-perception)

                                               Bloom Taxonomy of Learning Objectives 
Bloom's Taxanomy mostly used for describes progressively complex levels of learning achievement.

It's divided knowledge into heirarchical scheme that distinguishes between:

- Psychomotor
- Affective
- Cognitive

Knowledge Applation:Organization Level
In the organization level there are small organization and large organization, small organizations focus on knowledge acquisition, large organizations, in contrast, have difficulty finding and reusing knowledge.

—-creating document repositories
—-recording meetings, conversations, and email exchanges
—-organizing discussions in document databases
—-document management systems
—-directories of personnel identifying areas of expertise

Reuse Situations:
1.Shared work producers -produce knowledge they later reuse- usually consist of teams or workgroups that have collaborated together
2.Shared work practitioners- who reuse each others’ knowledge contributions ; members of the same community of practice
3.Expertise-seeking novices
4.Secondary knowledge miners- analysts who attempt to extract interesting and hopefully meaningful patterns by studying knowledge repository use.

At the last class, miss also teaching use to apply all the Knowledge Acquisition (reuse) and Knowledge Application. After class, I think that I need to apply the Knowledge application refers to the actual use of knowledge that has been captured or created and put into the KM cycle.
regards thai rui qi 

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Lecturer 5 Knowledge Sharing & Communities of Practice (CoP)

At the previous chapter we learn about the captured and codified the knowledge, in the logical way, after we already captured and codified the knowledge, it need to be shared and disseminated throughout the organization.

Beside, we can knowing that community can be different shape in two type is multiple communities and community of practice.

                                                                Multiple Communities

Community of Practice

In our daily life, we will talk to people, family, boss,or friend , the reason we talk and be understand in
sharing & communities of Practice

Regards as thai rui qi 

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tutorial 6

As normal , we going to have a very happy tutorial class today .

Additional, i grateful to madam , she gave us an extra sub paper on the midterm test and choose the higher mark to become our midterm. Same as previously ,it is open book, but it is more understanding and not case study anymore,  in this sub paper i score a higher mark as i satisfaction 12/15. 

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tutorial 5

Today is midterm day ,everyone was busy preparing midterm.
i get a very week result on it ,since it is open book ,open resource , the reason because i cannot understanding the case study talking about what.
i only score 5/20 marks. I need to put more effort at the final

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Lecturer 4 Knowledge Capture & Codification

Based on title "Knowledge Capture & Codification" , we can easily understanding in

 Knowledge codification.
Representation of knowledge so that it can be "reused"either by an individual or an organization.
Knowledge Capture.
Capturing involves scanning, organizing and packaging knowledge
the best suitable example we can come out is "mind map".

since we have to learning new thing ,knowledge or technique everyday, by using the mind map we can capture the harder things and transfer the knowledge in a memory way.

this is the example of mind map software we can get free from internet 

At the last, i realize we can using the mind map in our daily life to build a quality lifetime.
Regards as rui qi 

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Tutorial 4

Time passed quickly, unknowingly to week 4. For this week tutorial class we learning about the mind map, the features is how do we capture the harder things from many then it is converted into a memory way. Mind map is a powerful whole -brained visual thinking tool that enhances memory,note-takeing skills thought organization ,planning, creativity and communication. It uses color, keywords, lines and images  to connect thought associatively.

example from google 

today tutorial class ,miss ask the students to take up chapter 4 slides. she want us to did a mind map , firstly we facing confuse, because this is our first time to do this kind of map, after did the mind map , we found out that it is a efficiency summary everything and easily to remember thought from the mind map. I realize , others than slide, we can using in our daily life, we learn how to manage a good time flame from the mind mad. start from today ,i apply in my daily life , and bring many convince to me.

thai rui qi 

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A Day to Remember, Bank Negara Malaysia.

Once we were confirmed, everyone gathered at roundabout at 7am but the bus dismissed at 7:45am. I was the third one to reach as it was still early sigh should have slept longer haha. Keng Kiat called me up for breakfast at 7am but I was too lazy to join him. "Hey sohai help me buy some foods, I'm kinda hungry" I told Keng Kiat on We Chat and he said okay =) "Why didn't you join me for breakfast?" Kiat asked as soon as he got on the bus. "Well, I don't wanna be late, I'm not like you I am always early" I said and they laughed. Bryan and Omega were there too joining the fun. To be honest, I used to be late for class but miracle happened I was early for that day hmmm maybe  I was too excited? I slept for an hour in the bus and realized that we've reached kajang when I woke up. And this is what I did... A picture of AES tehee I'm lame but who cares this is part of our journey. SAY CHEESE CHAP CHAP "CAPTURED" Photo captured... Instead of Knowledge captured haha just kidding :D I also uploaded to my instagram. Feel free to "follow" me on Instagram "zhenhweesays" :P

Kajang Haze API was 100                                                
Finally arrived at our destination Bank Negara Malaysia.

Hmmm my first thought about bank negara was not as big as what I see. Was kinda surprised tho.

They welcome us with open arms, so nice of them =)

I was impatiently sitting down at a special huge round chair looking around paying attention at the person who gives the talk, can't remember her name I'm sorry ); But the talk was really good. 
I've learned something new after listening to the talk.
Process and Discipline are the two keywords to be successful in knowledge management. A company wouldn't be successful without these two things.
I've got to say I've never been in such a cool place for fieldtrip. I'm now determined and inspired. 
Thank you Miss Siti for being so nice to us all the time.
Really appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. Can't put into words how touched I'm right now.
Much loves from us xoxo <3

These are some of the photos taken in Bank Negara

                                                              Pic of me : Like a Boss :D
                                                             Coins during the olden days
                                               World Currency Notes "Name it they have it"
                                            With Kiat Kiat Dragon 'Photo credit Bryan Tan'

With our dedicated lecturer named Miss Siti
From left Omega, Keng Kiat, Bryan Tan, Miss Siti and last but not least Meeee the cute little innocent boy xD

Alright, i'll stop here for now.
It's time to go to bed see you guys tomorrow in class okay? :D

Xoxo Goodnight

Much Love, 
Zhen Hwee.

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