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----"About IKM Group" ---- ........LIM ZHEN HWEE..... ........SEE KENG KIAT..... ........THAI RUI QI..... .....GOH WENG LOON.....

Tutorial 4

Time passed quickly, unknowingly to week 4. For this week tutorial class we learning about the mind map, the features is how do we capture the harder things from many then it is converted into a memory way. Mind map is a powerful whole -brained visual thinking tool that enhances memory,note-takeing skills thought organization ,planning, creativity and communication. It uses color, keywords, lines and images  to connect thought associatively.

example from google 

today tutorial class ,miss ask the students to take up chapter 4 slides. she want us to did a mind map , firstly we facing confuse, because this is our first time to do this kind of map, after did the mind map , we found out that it is a efficiency summary everything and easily to remember thought from the mind map. I realize , others than slide, we can using in our daily life, we learn how to manage a good time flame from the mind mad. start from today ,i apply in my daily life , and bring many convince to me.

thai rui qi 

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