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----"About IKM Group" ---- ........LIM ZHEN HWEE..... ........SEE KENG KIAT..... ........THAI RUI QI..... .....GOH WENG LOON.....

A Day to Remember, Bank Negara Malaysia.

Once we were confirmed, everyone gathered at roundabout at 7am but the bus dismissed at 7:45am. I was the third one to reach as it was still early sigh should have slept longer haha. Keng Kiat called me up for breakfast at 7am but I was too lazy to join him. "Hey sohai help me buy some foods, I'm kinda hungry" I told Keng Kiat on We Chat and he said okay =) "Why didn't you join me for breakfast?" Kiat asked as soon as he got on the bus. "Well, I don't wanna be late, I'm not like you I am always early" I said and they laughed. Bryan and Omega were there too joining the fun. To be honest, I used to be late for class but miracle happened I was early for that day hmmm maybe  I was too excited? I slept for an hour in the bus and realized that we've reached kajang when I woke up. And this is what I did... A picture of AES tehee I'm lame but who cares this is part of our journey. SAY CHEESE CHAP CHAP "CAPTURED" Photo captured... Instead of Knowledge captured haha just kidding :D I also uploaded to my instagram. Feel free to "follow" me on Instagram "zhenhweesays" :P

Kajang Haze API was 100                                                
Finally arrived at our destination Bank Negara Malaysia.

Hmmm my first thought about bank negara was not as big as what I see. Was kinda surprised tho.

They welcome us with open arms, so nice of them =)

I was impatiently sitting down at a special huge round chair looking around paying attention at the person who gives the talk, can't remember her name I'm sorry ); But the talk was really good. 
I've learned something new after listening to the talk.
Process and Discipline are the two keywords to be successful in knowledge management. A company wouldn't be successful without these two things.
I've got to say I've never been in such a cool place for fieldtrip. I'm now determined and inspired. 
Thank you Miss Siti for being so nice to us all the time.
Really appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. Can't put into words how touched I'm right now.
Much loves from us xoxo <3

These are some of the photos taken in Bank Negara

                                                              Pic of me : Like a Boss :D
                                                             Coins during the olden days
                                               World Currency Notes "Name it they have it"
                                            With Kiat Kiat Dragon 'Photo credit Bryan Tan'

With our dedicated lecturer named Miss Siti
From left Omega, Keng Kiat, Bryan Tan, Miss Siti and last but not least Meeee the cute little innocent boy xD

Alright, i'll stop here for now.
It's time to go to bed see you guys tomorrow in class okay? :D

Xoxo Goodnight

Much Love, 
Zhen Hwee.

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fatimah said...

May I copy the pics?

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