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Lecturer 7 Knowledge Management Organizational Culture

In today lecturer class, we study the knowledge management in organizational culture, in the organizational culture, everyone try to shared assumptions,beliefs, and values between each others. This is a good example miss show us at the class room to show the different culture in the one company.

There are 4 types of cultures which are:
#Communal Culture (High, High)
#Networked Culture (Low, High)
#Mercenary Culture (High, Low)
#Fragmented Culture (Low, Low)

Sociability - measure for friendliness - high sociability - people orientation, team orientation and process focus
Solidarity - measure for task orientation - high solidarity - people work well together toward common goals despite personal conflicts

-Communal Culture (Hsoc, Hsol)
—Task Driven
—Leaders are inspirational and charismatic
—Leaders may exhibit too much influence, members may not be vocal
-Networked Culture (Hsoc, Lsol)
—Members are treated as friends and family
—Wiling to help and share information
—People may be reluctant to criticize poor performance
-Mercenary Culture (Lsoc, Hsol)
—Focus on strict goals
—Little room for political cliques
—Poor performance not tolerated
-Fragmented Culture (Lsoc, Lsol)
—Sense of belonging and identification with organization is weak
—Commitment is to individual members
—Potential lack of cooperation

knowledge culture enablers conduct 4 factors which are:
- Core values

- Structural support

- Enacted values

- Interaction with colleagues

Additional, to perform a effective knowledge cultures, these are several type :

regards as thai rui qi 

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