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----"About IKM Group" ---- ........LIM ZHEN HWEE..... ........SEE KENG KIAT..... ........THAI RUI QI..... .....GOH WENG LOON.....

Tutorial 3

Sincerely said we was very expect to every tuesday tutorial, we fell that only learn under a memorial way students just can capture new knowledge. In previous, we learn how to folding the shirt in a funny way. Today tutorial class, we will continues learn the tacit to explicit knowledge as we discuss at the lecturer class. Firstly, lecturer ask the students to take out a piece of empty paper and color pencil. suddenly she said "draw a MMU logo,but u cannot refer to the logo ". At this moment ,everyone was thinking how the MMU logo look like and try to draw at the paper as we imaging.

this is the MMU logo i draw, i think only can get 30% explicit knowledge. lecturer said that students always fail to draw the five line at the logo. At the same time ,she explain the problem why we fail to draw the logo. 
At the last, after finished tutorial i more understanding what going on to the lecturer three.

Regard as thai rui qi 

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Lecturer 3 (KM)knowledge management models

Today class we learn about how to capture the tacit and explicit knowledge;
Firstly what is tacit and explicit knowledge as we understanding?
  • Tacit knowledge is characterized by the fact that it is personal, context specific, and therefore hard to formalize and communicate. 
  • Explicit  knowledge that is transmittable through any systematic language.
Additional, lecturer teaching us how to we apply the tacit and explicit knowledge to the spiral model in order to sharing, and conversion by individuals, communities, and the organization itself.

Nonaka and Takeuchi Knowledge Spiral Model (1995)
  • Externalization (tacit to explicit) 
  • Combination (explicit to explicit)
  • Internalization (explicit to tacit) 
  • Socialization (tacit to tacit) 
At the end , we are fully understanding what is knowledge management models and believe that if happen in our daily life , we can manage it easily.

Regard as thai rui qi 

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Tutorial 2

Since we had attended on this week class, we realize that knowledge management class tend to more understanding rather than study from the book, in this week class, lecturer gave us some activities during tutorial, she teaching us how to manage the life cycle in order to apply a simple fold shirt step within the three seconds. This is one of the thing we learn how to manage the knowledge.

Firstly: we prepare a shirt and follow the instruction she gave.
Second: we try to follow all the instruction to manage the work, after we did, we found out every students will come out different output in the same instruction.
Third: in this experiment, students are fall to capture the knowledge, because   everyone can understand where different.
Fourth: In order manage a good knowledge manage transfer; students are able to have creation, capture, sharing, application and reuse knowledge. Lecturer open a YouTube tutorial to creation the knowledge, students try to capture from the video, and sharing to the friend who are unable capture the knowledge, in the end everyone can apply to it and reuse in the daily life.

I fell very amazing capture the new knowledge in such way, instead study from the note.

regard as thai rui qi 

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Lecture 2 Knowledge Management Life Cycle

In today lecture, we have discuss difference type of life cycle. Early of the class, we discussed what is means by life cycle. Our lecturer is asking us draw out personal life cycle. It was taken around 10 minutes. During this times, it was a funny discussion.

Besides that, we also discussed the reason of 4 type of Model selected. The reason such as below.

  1. They are implemented and validated in real world setting.
  2. They are comprehensive with respect to different types of steps found in the KM literature.
  3. They include detailed descriptions of the KM process involved in each step.
There is 4 types of life cycle model were discussed in class.
  • The Zack and Meyer
  • The Bukowitz and Williams
  • The McElroy
  • The Wigg
In additional, we also discussed the relationship or the integrated knowledge management life cycle.

End of this lesson, my group and me have understand the relationship between KM life cycle and our real world.

As a bonus, our lecturer have assigned a student go to the stage and present some knowledge to us. After his presentation, we found out that knowledge is sometime very hard to transfer to others by just verbal signal.

Rgds from Kiat

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Tutorial 1

Today, lecturer have shown us few other blogs which created by other member. The below is the link that shared by them.

  1. tkm1291.blogspot.com
  2. knowledgemanagement.blogspot.com
  3. tkm-jalan-emas.blogspot.com
Since out group do not show in front of the class, hence we need to email our link to our lecturer.

Besides that, we also learnt some example to understand the below words.
  • Data vs Information vs Knowledge
  • Explicit vs Tacit
  • Content Management vs Information Management vs Knowledge Management.
We also having some discussion among students and lecturer. This tutorial is enjoyable but also gained a lot of the knowledge.

Regrads, WENG LOON :)

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First Day of Intro to Knowledge Management lecture Class

Hmm well I'm gonna start up this blog by introducing our group members, me myself Lim Zhen Hwee, my group leader named Goh Weng Loon while the another two members are Bernice and Keng Kiat Dragon. To be frank and honest the first class was awesome really enjoyed it alot compared to the previous management classes that I've been through. My lecturer made so many jokes and ah just can't stop smiling during her class which made us focus until the end of the class. At first I was quite sleepy and I was like cursing the management for putting this subject early in the morning. It sucks to have 8am classes it makes me feel so dead whenever I attend those morning classes but I don't have a choice. BUT I just simply like this class. Hmmm maybe because of the cheerful lecturer and pretty classmates I have?  Haha that must be the main reason. Anyway I'm looking forward to visit bank negara as I have not been there before because not everyone is allowed to go there. Road trip is always fun and I bet most d the students will turn up to escape from other classes hahaha especially students like me will have this kind of thinking. Well I guess I should stop here and go to bed now. Tehee stay tuned for the latest post.
Loves Zhen Hwee ❤

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